Derek and the Slammers MP3 Downloads
All the songs listed below are now
available for MP3 download at
89¢ EACH (no limit). Scroll down through the albums below, or click on one of the links to go directly to the album you want: Howzyer Slammer Hangin'
Who Died And Made You Elvis
Honky Tonk Super Hero Songs From the CD "Howzyer Slammer Hangin'?" Download the entire album (11 Songs) for just $8.99 SONGS: Let The Puppies Breathe: Pull My Finger: You Don't Have To Be Cute To Be Country: Tres Cerveza: Bass Boat: Denver: Mulvaney: I Don't Want To Be Your Boyfriend: Tres Cerveza (German Version): Songs From the CD "Who Died and Made You Elvis?" Download the entire album (10 Songs) for just $7.99 SONGS: Someone Else's Psycho: Best Intentions: If Being Stupid Was A Crime: Girl You Drive Me Crazy: Trust Me: Bang Bang: At Least: Footstompin' Time: Thanks Just the Same: Would It Be So Bad: Songs From the CD "Honky Tonk Super Hero" Download the entire album (9 Songs) for just $7.99 SONGS: Old What's Her Name (Just Broke My Heart): Whiskey Bottle: Don't Say the Ex Word: Marie: A Secret She Still Hides: Ice Cold Heart: Red Dog: I Loved You Better Before We Met: Would You Still Be My Baby: